Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Walking Around Lisbon

Yesterday we walked around without the camera. Today we made up for that (more later)

The most interesting things that happened yesterday were that we saw a submarine heading down the river, we negotiated for tiles at the Thieves’ Market, and we saw a guy get caught on the train without a ticket.

Seeing a submarine is always an interesting thing. They sort of exude a malevolence that you don’t see in other ships. They exist only to attack from beneath, you cannot couch their activities in a defensive sense. So it was interesting to see it heading out to sea.

We walked and walked yesterday. Up to the Moorish Castle in the city (though we tried to take one of the Trams. The infamous 28). It was a nice walk, and you really got the sense of what a medieval city must look like. Around the castle there had been no renovation, so you got to see all the little higgly piggly streets in their full glory (we saw similar streets today in Sintra)

We ultimately reached the Thieves’ Market – or Flea Market. It was mostly junk. Doreen had been wanting an old tile, so we found one that she liked. The woman was asking €20, which I felt was outrageous. She kept telling us it was from the 17th century, as if that really mattered to me.

She ultimately dropped the price to €15, but I still thought that was too high. We looked at another tile that she said we could have for €4. I said I would give her €15 for the two of them. Oh the caterwauling! You would have thought I was stealing her first born son! She brought her friends over from the other booth. They commiserated, and I held firm. She stated saying how lucky I was to have such a beautiful wife, and how she needed beautiful things, like this 17th century tile. I agreed, and said that she would have them for €15.

More caterwauling and going on, but she finally said that she would do it for Doreen, not for me. She said I was cheap. But my wife deserved these tiles. We all walked away happy – she kissed Doreen good bye on both cheeks.

Finally we saw a poor man get busted on the tram (Tram 15). The trams cost €1.30 for a one way ride. They are more or less an honor system. You have to validate your ticket (we would get a day pass for €3.35) at these little machines, and occasionally a guy from CARRIS would come in and check. One of these fellows got on our tram and he checked our tickets, which flashed green (no problem). When he had his back turned, a scruffy looking fellow tried to get off the train at the next stop. The Enforcer saw him, and told the driver to lock the doors. He went back and caught the guy, and fined him €78 ON THE SPOT!!! The poor bum had to gather money from other passengers, all of whom felt sorry for him.

We felt sorry for him, too. But we didn’t give him any money. That was just because he didn’t ask.


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