Sunday, December 17, 2006

Bob Dylan's Lyrics

In Bob Dylan’s latest CD – Modern Times – there are a couple of interesting literary and folk allusions.

In one song he says that he “Sleeps with his head in the kitchen and his feel in the hall.” In another he talks about having a “toothache in his heel”

The first line is in Working Man’s Blues on the Modern Times CD, but also in the old blues song (among others) She Caught the Katy:

My baby she's long,
My baby she's tall,
She sleeps with her head in the kitchen,
And her big feet in the hall,
Still crazy 'bout that hardheaded woman of mine.

And from Bob:

Now the place is ringed with countless foes
Some of them may be deaf and dumb
No man, no woman knows
The hour that sorrow will come
In the dark I hear the night birds call
I can feel a lover's breath
I sleep in the kitchen with my feet in the hall
Sleep is like a temporary death

The second is (of course) from Old Dan Tucker:

Old Dan Tucker was a mighty man,
Washed his face in a frying pan,
Combed his hair with a wagon wheel,
Had a toothache in his heel.

And from Bob (the song is Ain’t Talking):

Ain't talkin', just walkin'
Carryin' a dead man's shield
Heart burnin', still yearnin'
Walkin' with a toothache in my heel

It makes me wonder what else I am missing from Bob’s music.


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